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Web Design Blog

Website Design Portfolio: Olan Property Consultants

Designing a Website for Olan Property Consultants

Startup Olan Property Consultants needed a website to promote their consultancy service. Olan Property Consultants directors are an experienced estate agent and solicitor, both are also veteran landlords. Their draw on their wealth of

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create a website
Case Studies

Create a Website: A Case Study

Today I take a look at a case study in website design. I was approached by The Sign Professionals to design a website for them. They wanted the website to reflect the

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Map services
Case Studies

Map Services

A few months ago I wrote about the various aspects of searching for locations in a database. Little did I know, shortly after writing these articles, I would be working with maps

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Searching by Location Name
Case Studies

Searching by Location Name

Over the last two weeks I have discussed location based search and map based search. I covered searching for a location given a longitude and latitude. I also covered finding a longitude

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Map Based Search
Case Studies

Map Based Search

Last week I talked about location based searches. I covered how to find the nearest point in a database of locations to a given longitude and latitude. In this article, I take

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Location Based Search
Case Studies

Location Based Search

When geography becomes a key element of a website, it can become necessary to provide a location based search. In this article, I take a look at how to perform a search

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Maintaining data security
Design Principles

Maintaining Data Security

Last week, I talked about maintaining Data Privacy within an Audit Trail. In this article I take a look at the wider aspects of maintaining data security. Limiting Data While not the

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